Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Welcome Blog :)

Thanks for choosing my blog J
I want to have a blog that explains the teenage life. Love, friends, peer pressure and family. General teenage year advice and questions. My main topic though is indeed love. What is good about it, what’s bad about it and what it really means and what people think it means. I chose this topic because everyone always says “Love is a great feeling, wait til you fall in love.” Im only a 17 year old girl who clearly doesn’t know what love is, and I want to find out.
My mom always told me not to rush into anything, I have my whole life to plan out guys. But to be honest, lonely really is not a great feeling. Seeing couples everywhere, makes you a little jealous that you don’t have anyone. At school or public places. When you’re a teenager in highschool, you think you’re going to find your soul mate. You think every guy you like, you are going to magically fall in love and get married to this guy and have kids. When in reality, most chances are you are not going to. Unless you guys are lucky to find eachother so early.
Every girl wants the fairytale ending. The real question is, what is love? Is it a feeling or just a emotion? How do you really know you’re in love? People say you know when it happens. How do you know? So many questions but the answer everyone always gives is “You will know when it happens.” I am indeed still waiting for that magical moment. I guess what Im trying to say is, parents are so against teenage love to be honest. They worry more about school and education, then your children being happy. Isnt that what every parent wants from their child, to be happy? I say, if you are happy with someone then stick with them. Not a lot of people could make you happy, but one can. Parents need to realize we have feelings too, and we could possibly find our loves in highschool or college.


  1. hey sweetie, ur blog is soooooo cute. i just logged on to it and it is sooooo pink, i just love it. i love the colors they just fasinate me. the pleasure me in so many ways when i look at the pretty colors.

  2. love is difficult i think that this is a great blog for you also :) but uuuuuggghhh to much pink!!
