Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to fall in love♥

Falling in love. Some people claim its easy, you find someone who likes you and you like them. Simple as that. When actually it really isn’t. You must find someone who you are comfortable with and who you cant trust. There isn’t really steps in which you must follow to fall In love, but there are tips you can use to help yourself and others.
  • Meet a lot of people. The first key to falling in love is finding someone to fall in love with. The person you love will most likely be your best friend or someone that you have known for a while. Try hard not to fall in "love at first sight" - it's romantic, but it isn't very smart.
  • Give it time. Let's assume you've been going to parties, events, etc., and your friends have been introducing you to people they think you will be interested in. Don't rush the process. Take your time and be friendly and open to everyone you meet.
  • Read" the person. Okay, you're interested. Is s/he interested? Watch for signals, body language, catching him or her looking at you, etc. Watching for subtle signs can tell you if s/he shares your interest.
  • Take the plunge. Ask him or her out. Don't worry that you will be turned down - and never allow yourself to be intimidated by extreme beauty or social status. If s/he seems interested in you despite the fact that you consider yourself ordinary while you consider him or her extraordinary, remember that you are a worthy person with much to offer. It's no big wonder that s/he would find you interesting, fun, and attractive.
  • Open yourself to love. This is the only way to find out for sure if the person you are falling in love with can be trusted with your most valuable resource: your heart.
  • Give yourself fully, receive wholeheartedly. Allowing yourself to receive love is as important as giving it. It is so important to believe that you are loved.
  • Defend the honor of your love. Never make jokes at his or her expense - many people fall in love, but then use their loved one as joke material. Don't make deprecating jokes about your love, and don't allow anyone else to make them either.
  • Fall in love for the right reasons. It is important to understand that what you value in your partner as you embark in the relationship has significant implications for the outcome of the relationship. Poor values like mere physical/sexual attraction can lead to a relationship that may not endure the test of time. It is important to love the person for their innermost being and to have friendship and genuine caring as the forefront points of attraction. Couples who merge together due to financial considerations is another course of poor decisions, as the value of money in a relationship can often lead to issues in long-term stability. Fall in love for the being inside the person, and you will have the key ingredient to a successful, long-term relationship. Get intimate and romantic with the person and live. Don't be afraid to make love come alive.


  1. Love is a strong word. It takes alot to love someone. Its hard to fall in love with the right person. You should fall in love with someone who you really care about

  2. if only all these steps would work :/ i mean this is a really great blog. but you know that i bhe havin them man problems xD but it was a really good read to be honest :) i mean all the little tips made me laugh it was great i can't wait for your next blog but how do you know these steps will work? have you used them?

  3. This blog is similar to my relationship in a way. Although this is giving points on what to do when falling or even finding love, it is also showing that once you begin a new friendship or relationship that you always be aware of the mutual feelings your partner has towards you. As you go down the road towards the pursuit of happiness you often find out that not everything is perfect, for example in my relationship I started out by taking a risk I had no idea what I was getting into with my boyfriend but something told me to just go for it and although I did we have had our struggles but in the end as long as your wiling to try to make things work then there should be nothing standing in your way to make that happen.
    How do you feel about the ways they are expressing to you about finding love?
