Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to fall in love♥

Falling in love. Some people claim its easy, you find someone who likes you and you like them. Simple as that. When actually it really isn’t. You must find someone who you are comfortable with and who you cant trust. There isn’t really steps in which you must follow to fall In love, but there are tips you can use to help yourself and others.
  • Meet a lot of people. The first key to falling in love is finding someone to fall in love with. The person you love will most likely be your best friend or someone that you have known for a while. Try hard not to fall in "love at first sight" - it's romantic, but it isn't very smart.
  • Give it time. Let's assume you've been going to parties, events, etc., and your friends have been introducing you to people they think you will be interested in. Don't rush the process. Take your time and be friendly and open to everyone you meet.
  • Read" the person. Okay, you're interested. Is s/he interested? Watch for signals, body language, catching him or her looking at you, etc. Watching for subtle signs can tell you if s/he shares your interest.
  • Take the plunge. Ask him or her out. Don't worry that you will be turned down - and never allow yourself to be intimidated by extreme beauty or social status. If s/he seems interested in you despite the fact that you consider yourself ordinary while you consider him or her extraordinary, remember that you are a worthy person with much to offer. It's no big wonder that s/he would find you interesting, fun, and attractive.
  • Open yourself to love. This is the only way to find out for sure if the person you are falling in love with can be trusted with your most valuable resource: your heart.
  • Give yourself fully, receive wholeheartedly. Allowing yourself to receive love is as important as giving it. It is so important to believe that you are loved.
  • Defend the honor of your love. Never make jokes at his or her expense - many people fall in love, but then use their loved one as joke material. Don't make deprecating jokes about your love, and don't allow anyone else to make them either.
  • Fall in love for the right reasons. It is important to understand that what you value in your partner as you embark in the relationship has significant implications for the outcome of the relationship. Poor values like mere physical/sexual attraction can lead to a relationship that may not endure the test of time. It is important to love the person for their innermost being and to have friendship and genuine caring as the forefront points of attraction. Couples who merge together due to financial considerations is another course of poor decisions, as the value of money in a relationship can often lead to issues in long-term stability. Fall in love for the being inside the person, and you will have the key ingredient to a successful, long-term relationship. Get intimate and romantic with the person and live. Don't be afraid to make love come alive.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day. Some people love this day, other people don’t. Valentine’s Day is only good when you have someone to share it with. Valentine’s Day isn’t fantastic when you’re alone sitting on your couch eating food and watching love movies all day. The reason why I picked talking about Valentine’s Day is because it’s just around the corner and my topic is love. Valentine’s Day is the “love day.” Sure everyone loves chocolates and flowers, but that feeling when someone gives you the gift is way better than they actually gift it. Especially when it comes from someone you really like or love. The feeling is amazing and special.
What makes Valentine’s Day so special? Because your significant other buys you gifts and acts sweet for one day? What I don’t understand is, why cant people sweet like that all the time and not just 1 day out of the entire year. If everyone acted like that everyday, loving and sweet. Not necessarily  buying gifts, but showing their appreciation for the person they love. It’s such a sweet and amazing feeling.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Informational Love

Love Love Love. To be honest, I think the topic love has the most asked questions. What is it? How do you know when you find your soulmate? Or is love even possible? I for one, do not have knowledge about love. I’ve had relationships and thought I found love once, but like people say, when you know you know. I still don’t know. Im a 17 year old girl, and to be honest has my whole life to worry about guys. Im going to use the knowledge I know about what I believe love is and relationships. . "True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen." - La Rochefoucauld.
Love isnt cheating or lying and abusing. Love isn’t supposed to be unhappy. Its supposed to be the most beautiful powerful emotion that makes you happy, not questioning it. I was in a relationship that included cheating, lying and indeed abusing. People build walls when they get hurt, to prevent being hurt in the future. Like me for example, I am beyond terrified about going through another heartache. I know I’m too young to know everything, but I know what its like to be hurt and screwed over by every guy I’ve talked to or dated. "Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same."- Unknown. I believe that quote 100%. People do come into our lives for a reason, and some of them mean more than other people, like they are special people to leave inputs on us. Truth of the matter is, I know for a fact love isnt being unhappy, and being hurt. When you’re in love you’re supposed to be beyond happy and only want that one person to be the love of your life forever. I’ll find mine one day. "What's meant to be will always find a way."- Trisha Yearwood

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Welcome Blog :)

Thanks for choosing my blog J
I want to have a blog that explains the teenage life. Love, friends, peer pressure and family. General teenage year advice and questions. My main topic though is indeed love. What is good about it, what’s bad about it and what it really means and what people think it means. I chose this topic because everyone always says “Love is a great feeling, wait til you fall in love.” Im only a 17 year old girl who clearly doesn’t know what love is, and I want to find out.
My mom always told me not to rush into anything, I have my whole life to plan out guys. But to be honest, lonely really is not a great feeling. Seeing couples everywhere, makes you a little jealous that you don’t have anyone. At school or public places. When you’re a teenager in highschool, you think you’re going to find your soul mate. You think every guy you like, you are going to magically fall in love and get married to this guy and have kids. When in reality, most chances are you are not going to. Unless you guys are lucky to find eachother so early.
Every girl wants the fairytale ending. The real question is, what is love? Is it a feeling or just a emotion? How do you really know you’re in love? People say you know when it happens. How do you know? So many questions but the answer everyone always gives is “You will know when it happens.” I am indeed still waiting for that magical moment. I guess what Im trying to say is, parents are so against teenage love to be honest. They worry more about school and education, then your children being happy. Isnt that what every parent wants from their child, to be happy? I say, if you are happy with someone then stick with them. Not a lot of people could make you happy, but one can. Parents need to realize we have feelings too, and we could possibly find our loves in highschool or college.