Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Not online love theories♥

People say love is just a word til someone comes around and gives it meaning. That indeed is true. My mom always told me" Don't find love, let love find you and you'll be the happiest girl on the planet. Someday someone will come and treat you the way you should be treated, like a princess." I believe her don't get me wrong but I just hate waiting around for something that can come unexpectedly. I am a very inpatient person and waiting to me is like dying.
I interviewed my mom a couple times about how my parents met. They have been best friends since they were in 10th grade. My mom was really good friends with my dads sister and she grew closer to her and him because they hung out all the time. They were best friends, they were comfortable with each other, tell each other everything and they went to each other when one of them had a problem and needed to vent. My dad had dated my moms cousin when he was in 10th grade and it didn't last at all. Then my dad kept asking my mom out and she kept on denying him because she didn't feel that way for about a year and a half. Til 11th grade prom came along and my mom had found out that my dad was taking somebody else and that made her incredibly jealous and SHE wanted to go with him, not anyone else. She went to prom that night, and he we was with his date so my mom went up to my dads best friend and told him she wanted to be here with him. My dads best friend told him, and my dad dumped his date that night and went with my mom. They hung out all the time, then 12th grade they started to date. They have been together for 30 years now, and happily married for 24 years.
They have showed me the true meaning of love, and it can last. You can make it work, you just have to work for it and not give up. If its what you want, never give up. You never know how beautiful something might turnout to be.


  1. Yes i agree. Love is a strong word and you should only say it if you mean it.

  2. well i think that that is spectacular that your parents been together for 24 years my parents have been together for a little longer than that like 28 years and they were high school sweet hearts i just wish that i can find love like that one day

  3. I agree Cody :)
    Cody Mckenna, thats awesome! Our parents would get along great together! My parents are highschool sweethearts and I want love like that as well one day♥♥

  4. well my parents also been high school sweet hearts and they been married for 20 years.. thats true love to be together that long. but one day ull find ur true love

  5. Thank you gee! All of our parents are highschool sweethearts thats awesome :)
