Thursday, April 7, 2011

Abortion. For it or against it?

What is so “safe and easy” about having a abortion? What is so fascinating and great to have one? Because YOU made a stupid decision about having sex and you knew the circumstances? It’s a 50/50 shot, when you have sex. You get pregnant or you don’t. You can use all the protection you want, its still a 50/50 shot. It really does get me aggravated when people say that they support abortion and it’s the best thing If you don’t want a child. If you don’t wont children of your own, atleast wait til the baby is born and give it up for adoption or figure something out, don’t kill your child that’s inside of you because you don’t want it. Its not a choice when you have a child unless you are trying for one.
“Each year, two percent of women aged 15-44 have an abortion; half have had at least one previous abortion. At least half of American women will experience an unintended pregnancy by age 45, and, at current rates, about one-third will have had an abortion.” (
In my opinion, when you have a abortion you are a muderer. You killed a innocent child because you don’t want it? Im sorry that’s not your choice. What did that child do to you that you decided to kill it? You shouldve thought about that before you decided to go have sex. You can be cautious and stay protected and have it. But when you’re going around just sleeping around, then odds are you are going to get pregnant. Even if something drastic happens, like god forbid you get raped and you get pregnant, would you still get a abortion because you didn’t want it? I know its terrible that you got raped, but don’t kill a child. Give it to a adoption agency.


  1. well i don't completely agree i think that abortion is an entirely personal desision and you can't really hate someone for it. its like hating someone for being gay. if they feel they're not ready for a baby then they should be able to. i mean sure you can say adoption but imagine how the kid would feel knowing that they're mom didn't want them. to me abortion is perfectly fine and should be leagle.

  2. Abortion is killing a child Cody. No matter what the circumstance is. If you are not ready to have a child, then dont have sex. Simple as that. Even when the kid grows up, atleast he/she is alive.
